Southern Flavor Magazine

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The Test of Time: These bars have been around for decades

By Brian Sherman

Many types of businesses have come and gone since the seed of what today is the United States of America was planted in the New World. You don’t see apothecaries around these days, though you could make a solid case that they were the forerunners of today’s pharmacists. You would be hard-pressed to find a chandelier – the electric lightbulb kind of did away with the necessity of lighting up your home with candles. The popularity of wheelwrights waned when getting from one place to another no longer depended on wagons, carriages and other modes of transportation requiring horses or their equine relatives. And coopers, well, they really aren’t necessary anymore. Who needs a barrel or bucket to store gunpowder, ale, wine or flour? Seems like the fridge would work for most of that stuff – except maybe the gunpowder. Bars, however, are a different animal. They were around when guys named Jefferson, Adams and Franklin were spending time in Philadelphia trying to put together just the right words to state in no uncertain terms that the Colonies would no longer be the property of England. And, of course, they are still here – and for good reason. Who doesn’t need a place to go where you can soak in a unique atmosphere, hang out with old friends or new acquaintances and enjoy a drink or two and, in some cases, a pretty good meal. A place where – to steal a line from a long gone but still popular TV show – everybody knows your name.

Charleston has its share of bars that have stood the test of time. Here’s a look at just a few of the local establishments that for decades have served as a haven of sorts for locals and visitors alike.